Friday, October 23, 2015

week of October 26, 2015

Week of October 26, 2015

Math- We will be continuing our topic of Comparing and Ordering 0-5.  We will be comparing as many, more, and fewer.  We will also be using ordinal numbers and we were previously introduced to ordinal numbers in our Reading story, This Is The Way We Go To School.  We will continue to count by 10’s and 1’s in our Math Meeting and will be finishing up our ABC pattern for the month of October.

Science- We are starting our weather chart for the week.  We will graph the weather daily and compare and contrast the different weather features.  We are also talking about bats this week and comparing them to other flying animals.  This is also the last week for our Pumpkin investigation.  Fall is in full swing!

Reading: Our new story is called: “Nature Spy” and our amazing words are: discover, spy, pod, nature, acorn, pattern.  This is a story where we are identifying setting.  We will making a list of nature facts.  We will be listening for directions, especially in a large group. 

Phonics/Grammar-We will review all letters of the alphabet and this week’s letter is Ss and we will be identifying initial and final Ss in words.  We have been reviewing letter names in class and their sounds and sight words.  We have been reviewing nouns for more than one (1 grape, several grapes) and identifying proper nouns for people, places, and things, as well as the fact that verbs are actions. 

Important Information
*Please remember to practice your letters, letter sounds, and sight words along with your written homework each night.  Thank you!           
*If you get a yellow slip from the cafeteria with a balance, please pay it as soon as possible.

Important Dates
Week of October 25- Red Ribbon Week
Monday, October 26- Day 9
Friday, October 30- School wide Fall Festival

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Hello Spartan Family,                     I loved speaking with all of you on the phone! I sent an email with everything we talked about ...