Thursday, October 29, 2015

Week of November 2

Mrs. Borden & Mrs. Jones Newsletter - Week of November 2, 2015
Math- Our next topic is: Topic 3, Six to Ten.  We will learn how to read, write, and count numbers 6-10.  We will also learn how to show those numbers in different ways.  We will continue to review how to write numbers 0-20 in random order and counting to 100 by 10s and 1s.  We will also continue to work on days, months, and seasons in Math Meeting.  Our new pattern will be AABB pattern and we have also introduced a dime to our coins. 
Science- Our Weekly Reader topics for the month include: Veteran’s Day, Pilgrims and Mayflower, bear cubs, and holiday workers.  We will be discussing hibernation and migration as the weather begins to turn much colder!  We have been looking at the weather each day to track it on our weather chart.  We also have been comparing and contrasting how activities are different in each season (ex. swimming in summer, but playing in the snow in the winter).
Reading: Our new story is called: “Animal Babies in Grasslands” and our amazing words are: calf, cub, joey, grassland, pup, foal.  This is a story where we are identifying the main idea.  We will also be using colors for adjectives.  We review our large group rules for discussion. 
Phonics/Grammar-We will review all letters of the alphabet and this week’s letter is Pp and we will be identifying initial and final Pp in words.  We have been reviewing letter names in class and their sounds and sight words.  We have been reviewing nouns for more than one (1 grape, several grapes) and that verbs are actions. 
Important Information
 Please remember to practice your letters, letter sounds, and sight words along with your written homework each night.  Thank you!           

Important Dates
November 6th- Report cards will be sent home.

November 9th- Parent/Teacher conferences from 12:00-6:00. No school for students. Once I have received your time selections, I will send home a half sheet with conference time. Please cut off the bottom portion, sign and check that you are coming to confirm. I will not be able to meet with you at this time but Mrs. Jones will be here to answer any questions and to go over your child’s data. If you would like to meet at another time, I am more than happy to schedule a meeting.

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Hello Spartan Family,                     I loved speaking with all of you on the phone! I sent an email with everything we talked about ...