Friday, January 25, 2019

week of January 28, 2019

Mrs. Borden and Mrs. Jones’ Newsletter (week of January 28, 2019)
Handwriting/Writing- Due to the weather last week and all of the time missed, we pushed back the completion of the Handwriting Book. Therefore, completed books will be coming home this week!!! Take a moment to look through the book to see how far our letter formation has come! We will be starting our “Building Writers” portion of the Handwriting without Tears curriculum and will be exploring Narrative Writing first.  We are still reviewing some of our lowercase letters for morning work and throughout our small group lessons.
Reading- We have a new story this week and it is: My Lucky Day and it is an animal fantasy story.  Our essential question is: What is a lucky adventure?  Our amazing words are: piglet, fox, lucky, filthy, cook, scrubber.  We will be discussing cause and effect with the story.  It is one of our favorites!  We can’t wait to share it with the class.  We are also working very hard on blending words and reading sentences and reading stories on our own.  We like to discuss the stories and talk about how the illustrations help us while reading the words.
Math- Since we have been practicing every day, we are so ready for the 100th day of school!  There will be more information to follow, but we have been counting by 1s to 100 and 10s to 100 as well as counting how many days until the big day (practicing a little subtraction along the way).  We will be completing activities with time and measurement for the 100th day of school as well.  When the Handwriting books come home, there are the number formations in there as well that can always be reviewed.
Science/Social Studies- Our Weekly Reader this week was about Germs and how to stay healthy.  It is a good time to review handwashing as well as keeping our hands away from our faces to try and keep ourselves in tip top shape. 
***Thank you so much for all of the contributions to our Boosterthon Fun Run.  The class was beyond excited to be able to run their laps as well as take in the dance party atmosphere of the Gym.  We hit a few of our classroom goals and we celebrated with: a SPARTY ticket for everyone, extra recess, and a movie.  Thanks so much for your support!

Important Dates:
Monday, January 28- Day 1
Tuesday, January 29- Report Cards sent home (this is later than the date scheduled due to internet outages) Please review the information and sign and return the envelope as soon as possible.

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Hello Spartan Family,                     I loved speaking with all of you on the phone! I sent an email with everything we talked about ...