Friday, December 1, 2017

week of December 4, 2017

Mrs. Borden and Mrs. Jones’ Newsletter
Week of December 4, 2017
***In Math, we are continuing Topic 3, Six to Ten.  We will learn how to read, write, and count numbers from 6-10.  We will learn how to show 6 and other numbers from 6-10.  Our new math words include: six, seven, eight, nine, ten. We count the days of school and review counting by tens, ones, and writing a two-digit number (for example, 64 is a 6 and a 4).  Please review concepts of more, less, and same as/equal and 2D and 3D shapes.
***In Reading, our new story is: Little Panda and we will discuss comparing and contrasting within the story as well as the plot of the story. Our new amazing words are: weigh, healthy, curious, measure, bamboo, explore.  We will continue to build our phonemic awareness by identifying all sounds in a 3 sound word (for example the word dog is broken up by the sounds /d/ /o/ /g/).  Tips and tricks- As the foundation for all written words, letters are important because they are the symbol for the small actions your mouth makes as you say words.  What’s equally important, however, is that your child learns the sound associated with each letter.  These individual sounds are called phonemes, and children who know about the connection between a letter and its phoneme have an easier time learning to read.
***Science and Social Studies-  We started Unit B, Life Science, and focus on: Chapter 3, Living and Non Living Things.  Our essential question is: What can you tell about living things?  We started distinguishing between plants and animals.  We looked at some characteristics of plants and animals.   We also named plants and animals.
***Handwriting/Writing- We are trying to increase our writing stamina by copying a simple sentence along with a simple illustration to correspond with the sentence.  We are still working on lowercase letter formations. 
***Please Note:
-Please make sure that you are cleaning out your child’s folder every night and watch out for notes and reminders that may come home because there are a lot of activities happening this month.
-Please also practice sight words along with reading for the AR log each night.  Thanks!
-Please make sure that you are wearing a heavy coat to go out for recess.  We go out as much as possible.

***Important Dates:
Week of December 4- PTO Holiday Gift Shop
Monday, December 4- Day 4
Friday, December 8- Report cards sent home (please sign and return envelope only)
Saturday, December 9-  Holiday Concert (10 am)

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Hello Spartan Family,                     I loved speaking with all of you on the phone! I sent an email with everything we talked about ...