Monday, October 19, 2015

week of October 19, 2015

Week of October 19, 2015

Math- We just started Topic 2, Comparing and Ordering One to Five.  We will be: using more, fewer, and same as, showing 1 and 2 more, 1 and 2 fewer, using the number 0, showing as many, more, and fewer, and ordering numbers 0-5.  We are adding more and more topics to our daily Math Meeting.  We have been identifying the names and values of penny and nickel, counting to 80 (and working our way to 100), counting by 10’s, making a 10-frame, and problem solving to find out our mystery number.   

Science- After beginning our Earth and sky unit, we have been identifying what landforms make up the Earth.  We will discuss how the sun seems to move and what we see in the day sky and compare it to what we see in the night sky.  We have been looking outside daily to observe our weather and we will track it for one week to see what kind of weather happens the most.  Our Pumpkin observation unit was super successful with the students making a Pumpkin flip book of many facts about our classroom pumpkins.

Reading: Our new story is called: “Flowers” and our amazing words are: seeds, buds, bloom, fruits, stem, petals.  This is a story where we are sequencing and comparing and contrasting.  We have also been identifying labels when we see them in pictures or illustrations.

Phonics/Grammar-We will review all letters of the alphabet and this week’s letter is Aa and we will be identifying initial and medial Aa in words.  We have been reviewing letter names in class and their sounds and sight words.  The students are able to identify a noun (person, place, or thing) and we have introduced verbs (actions).  In our fall poem about candy corn, we were able to find the period, exclamation point, and comma. 

Important Information
 Thank you for sending in your party money.  If you did not send it in yet, please do so as soon as possible.
Please remember to practice your letters, letter sounds, and sight words along with your written homework each night.  Thank you!           

Important Dates
October 19- Parent shopping night for the Book Fair

October 19- Day 4 

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Hello Spartan Family,                     I loved speaking with all of you on the phone! I sent an email with everything we talked about ...