Monday, December 3, 2018

week of December 3, 2018

Mrs. Borden and Mrs. Jones’ Newsletter (Week of December 3)
Handwriting/Writing:  We will work on the “descending letters” like g that dip below the bottom line.  Some letters are tall like d, some letters are small like a, and some letters are descending like j.  We are starting to explore the concept of writing sentences on the back of our morning work.  We are working on making the sounds in the words in order to write the corresponding letters in the word.

Reading: Our new story is: Little Quack and it is an animal fantasy. We will be working on plot and sequence in this story.  Our amazing words are: duckling, paddle, pond, plunged, proud, brave.  Our essential question for the story is: What new things can you do as you get older?  We can also compare and contrast this story which has fiction characters to last week’s story of Little Panda which was nonfiction and full of wonderful information.

Math: We have been working on identifying numbers 11-20, writing the numbers 11-20, counting objects with 11-20 and filling in 10 frames with the correct number.  In Spring Math, we are still working on missing numbers 0-11.  Sometimes the number is missing in the first spot, the last spot, or the middle spot.  An example would be: 4 __ 6 and we would have to write 5.

Science/Social Studies:  We will be working on seasons and weather, especially identifying all of the characteristics of winter and what is may look like outside in comparison to another season.

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Hello Spartan Family,                     I loved speaking with all of you on the phone! I sent an email with everything we talked about ...