Monday, March 30, 2015

week of March 30, 2015

This week in class:

Math:  We are starting topic 10, composing numbers 11-19.  We will be making 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, and 19 and looking for a pattern.  We will be working with numbers 11-19 to gain the foundations for place value.  We will continue to: count to 100, add and subtract, sort objects, and identify and describe shapes throughout the week.

Reading/Phonics:  Our new story is called: “If You Could Go To Antarctica” and the skill we will be focusing on is: classifying and categorizing and listening for character.  We are also working on Ee in the beginning of words and in the middle of words. We will be talking about capital letters, periods, and writing a letter.  The amazing words are: Antarctica, icebergs, seals, continent, penguins, whales.

Science:  We have covered position of objects as well as push/pull and the force that makes objects move.  We will also be using magnets.  We have talked about Spring in our Weekly Reader.


-Graduation Pictures will be Wednesday, April 8.  Please have your child wear a white collared shirt that day.  Girls, please no hair bows because the children will be wearing caps with the gowns.  There is no make-up picture day, and everyone will be photographed for the class composite.  Please fill out and return the envelope as soon as possible.

-April calendars and menus will be sent home.  Please refer to them for further information.

-When report cards are sent home, please sign and return the envelope and rubrics as soon as possible.  We thank you for your cooperation.

-When practicing the sight words, please make sure to use the sight word cards and mix them up to ensure they are not memorizing the list!

  Important Dates:
*Monday is Day 3
*Tuesday is Day 4, Please wear sneakers

*In April, the PTO will be holding a Basket Auction for a fundraiser.  We appreciate all of the donations.  Please look for our basket named “Car Care”.

*The marking period ends at the end of March and we will be starting our fourth and final marking period of the year in April.  Keep up the good work!

*No School on Friday, April 3, but we do have school Monday, April 6.

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Hello Spartan Family,                     I loved speaking with all of you on the phone! I sent an email with everything we talked about ...