Friday, October 9, 2015

week of October 12, 2015

Week of October 12, 2015

Math- We will start Topic 2, Comparing and Ordering One to Five.  We will be: using more, fewer, and same as, showing 1 and 2 more, 1 and 2 fewer, using the number 0, showing as many, more, and fewer, and ordering numbers 0-5.  Each day in our Math Meeting, we have been counting by 10s to 100, counting by 1s, and continuing an ABC pattern.  We have also introduced counting on from 10 and have been identifying a penny and will be identifying other coins shortly. 

Science- We will be introducing our new topic: Earth and Sky.  Our essential question for the topic is: “What are the Earth and sky like?”  We will be talking about weather, seasons, and landforms as well.  We have also just finished our Fire Safety unit and will be working in pumpkins and fall with our Weekly Reader series. 

Reading: Our new story is called: “Dig, Dig, Digging” and our amazing words are: scooping, squelching, spinning, swooshing, gobbling, rumbling.  This is a story where we are classifying and categorizing and we will start identifying nouns for places and things. 

Phonics-We will review letters Aa-Zz and this week’s letter is Tt and we will be identifying initial and final Tt in words.  We have been reviewing letter names in class and their sounds and sight words.  We did also start making the initial sound in words.  For example, if the word is “dog” the class responds with /d/ and if the word is “fish” the class responds with /f/.

Important Information
 If you ordered from the book order, they will be in shortly.  Book fair information was also be sent home.  Please refer to the calendar for the parent night if you are interested.
Thank you for signing and returning the assessment in a timely manner.  We appreciate all of your support and cooperation.
Important Dates
October 12- Columbus Day- no school for students
October 13- School Picture day (please return picture forms with picture money)

October 13- Day 10 

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Hello Spartan Family,                     I loved speaking with all of you on the phone! I sent an email with everything we talked about ...