Friday, September 11, 2015

week of September 14, 2015

This Week In Class:

Reading: Our new story is called “We Are So Proud” and our amazing words are: proud, cooperation, float, preparation, creation, guide.  We will be talking about setting and reviewing character.  We will also be responding to the literature selection as a large group.
Phonics: We have been practicing rhyming and non- rhyming pairs along with discussing rhyming families.  We will also introduce letters Ff-Nn and review Aa-Ee.  We practice sight words daily as well using them in sentences and with the flash cards.
Math: Our new topic is Topic 15, Position and Location of shapes.  The vocabulary we will be using is: inside/outside, above/below, left/right.  We will also continue to review the 2D shapes of square, triangle, rectangle, circle, hexagon, and comparing their sides and angles.
Science: We have been talking about observing in science.  We will start discussing using our 5 senses and how to share with others what we have learned.  We will be comparing and contrasting tools for observation as well as reviewing science safety rules.

*Please sign and return any assessments as soon as possible.  They will be stamped with a “Sign and Return” stamp usually located at the top of the paper.  Thank you!
*Please review sight words and letters and sounds each night.
*Just a reminder for AR books and book bags.  Each morning, your child will select a new book from the classroom book selection to take home and read with you each night.  Please also fill out the log in the bag for the month of September.  Your child will receive recognition and be entered into drawings for their hard work.

Upcoming Dates and Information:
-Monday, September 14- Day 10
-September 14- PTO meeting in the NSE cafeteria at 6:30 pm
-September 16- Book orders due back if you are interested (not the date of Oct.11 as previously noted)

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Hello Spartan Family,                     I loved speaking with all of you on the phone! I sent an email with everything we talked about ...