Sunday, November 24, 2013

weeks of November 25 and December 3, 2013

Mrs. Borden and Mrs. Jones’ Nifty Newsletter

Weeks of November 25 and December 3, 2013

We have been working very hard on our Thanksgiving projects that include a Native American feather headband, vest, and necklace to wear when we visit our 4th grade Reading Buddies for a special Thanksgiving activity.  We also have been working on what we are thankful for and reading a little bit about the First Thanksgiving and turkeys.

When we get back on December 3, our new Reading story will be: Little Panda.  It is a nonfiction book about a panda born in a zoo.  We will be talking about character and information contained within the story.  We also watch the pandas on the Panda Cam at a zoo.

In Phonics, our new letter is Rr like in Rabbit.  We have been working hard on practicing and reading our Word Lists and our decodable readers.  Everyone should also have the complete sight word list to practice at home.  If you have any questions about the sight words or blending the word lists, please let us know.

In Math, we have been working on numbers 0-10 and identifying them, ordering them, comparing them, and counting.  We also have been working on one more and one less as well as two more and two less.  In our Math Meeting, we practice counting how many days we have been in school, how many days in the month, months of the year, and days of the week, money and time.

There will be no homework this week and homework will resume when we get back to school December 3.

December 3 will be day 4, Gym, please remember your sneakers.

Anyone who ordered from the PTO Fall Book Fundraiser is to pick up his/her order(s) in the NSE gymnasium on Monday, November 25th from 4:00-7:00 PM

Students will be dismissing at 1:00pm on Wednesday, November 27 due to Thanksgiving break.  There will be no school Thursday, November 28 – Monday, December 2.  Classes will resume on Tuesday, December 3.  Enjoy your break!

On Monday, November 25 Santa letters will be sent home.  Please complete the letter with your child and send back to school no later than Tuesday, December 3.  The postman will be collecting the letters sometime during that week and we do not want any child to feel left out. 
K-2 will be performing a Christmas concert on Thursday, December 6 in the high school auditorium.  Kindergarten will sing right away at 9:30am.  Please dress your child in clothes that are dress code appropriate or nicer.  Many parents decide to dress their daughters in dresses and sons in a shirt and tie, but that is up to you!  All parents are invited to attend this festive event!

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Hello Spartan Family,                     I loved speaking with all of you on the phone! I sent an email with everything we talked about ...