Friday, March 6, 2020

week of March 9, 2020

Mrs. Borden and Mrs. Jones’ Newsletter (March 9, 2020)
Handwriting/Writing:  We are continuing to review capital and lowercase letters with H h, I i, and J j.  We stress the importance of starting at the top and staying inside the lines.  We will also be looking forward to writing more about food and drink.
Reading:  We have been working so hard on short vowels in words and long vowel sounds.  We are also blending sounds together in our heads to read a word out loud.  We will continue to name letters quickly, make sounds for letters, and make all the sounds in a given word.  We were so happy to hear one of our favorite stories this week, My Lucky Day and identified the twist at the end of the story!
Math:  We are thrilled to be starting our Subtraction Unit this week.  We have mastered putting together (addition) and did great on our addition assessment so we are very ready to take away.  We will continue our Spring Math topic of counting objects and writing the number 0-20.
Science/Social Studies:  We have been talking about being lucky and what we would do with a pot of gold for St. Patrick’s Day and we also talked about wild weather in our Weekly Reader because we have seen some drastic changes in the weather recently!

Important Dates and Reminders:
Monday, March 9- Day 8
*Kindergarten Registration This Week*
*Please return the I’m a Reader papers as soon as possible.
*Please also read over the attached information for the PTO Basket Raffle.  Please return items by Monday, April 6 so that we can assemble the basket. Thank you for your support! J

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Hello Spartan Family,                     I loved speaking with all of you on the phone! I sent an email with everything we talked about ...