Friday, September 20, 2019

week of September 23, 2019

Mrs. Borden and Mrs. Jones’ Newsletter (week of September 23, 2019)
Handwriting:  We are finished the “Frog Jump Capitals” and we will be moving into the “Starting Corner Capitals” like H and K.  We continuously work on writing posture (sitting up, using our helper hand, feet down) and holding our pencil correctly to write our very best.  We use reminders to start at the top and to make the big lines and big curves when needed.  Handwriting has really started to improve and we are so proud of the hard work everyone is doing!
Math:  We will be finishing up our “2D and 3D shapes”.  We have identified, compared, contrasted, sorted, and found objects in the real world with the same shape.  We are working in our “Spring Math” on counting dots and circling the right number.  Each day, we take turns with our partner counting beans and finding the correct number and checking to make sure we are correct. 
Reading:  We worked so hard on the “plot” of the story this past week.  We were able to retell the story along with identifying the problem and the solution.  We will continue to work on identifying the sounds in words and where the sound is in the word (beginning, middle, end) and we will continue to practice every letter and every sound.  Please continue to practice sight words and read each night to log their stories.  They can also log stories from home or if they read the weekly reading story after they bring it home.
Science/Social Studies:  We are so excited to work on our “Apple” unit.  We will learn about Johnny Appleseed’s life, taste test some apples, graph apples, and compare and contrast apples.  We will also label the parts of the apple and name what an apple tree needs to grow.
Just a friendly reminder that we have a working snack at the end of the day.  One snack is just perfect in terms of being able to open them and clean up while getting packed up and finished our last bit of lessons at the end of the day.  Thanks so much! J

Important Dates:
September 23- Day 4
*Book Logs Due at the end of the month!

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Hello Spartan Family,                     I loved speaking with all of you on the phone! I sent an email with everything we talked about ...