Monday, January 14, 2019

week of January 14, 2018

Mrs. Borden and Mrs. Jones’ Newsletter (Week of January 14, 2019)

Handwriting/Writing:  We will continue to work on things that make a good sentence.  These include:  starting the sentence with a capital letter, having a 2 finger space in between words, sounding out our words, making sure that the sentence makes sense, and ending with punctuation.  We have also gone over what makes a question and what a question mark looks like as well as an exclamation point and reading with excitement when we see it.

Reading: Our new story is: The Lion and the Mouse and it is a classic fable. We will be working on the main idea of the story.  Our amazing words are: jungle, beast, nibbling, snarled, trembling, entangled.  Our essential question for the story is: What causes us to change the way we feel?  We are so impressed with everyone working so hard on the letter identification of capitals and lowercase letters and making the corresponding sounds to the letters!  Keep up the great work!

Math: We have started the topic of: Comparing Numbers to 20.  We have been working on numbers 0-10 so far and counting objects and then making a set that has one more and counting objects and making a set that has one fewer.  We have also been writing the number for each set of objects.  We are so very impressed with the HUGE improvement in the benchmark for DIBELS Math.  Practicing number sense and number building skills has made such a difference and we are beyond thrilled with all of the hard work!!!! J

Reminders: Please continue to read each night and log the books in the January book log along with practicing the sight words.  Thanks for all of your cooperation and hard work, if there is anything else that we can help you with, please let us know. 

Important Dates:
Monday, January 14- Day 4

Friday, January 18- Spartan Dress Down Day ($1 donation)

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Hello Spartan Family,                     I loved speaking with all of you on the phone! I sent an email with everything we talked about ...