Wednesday, March 28, 2018

week of April 2, 2018

Mrs. Borden and Mrs. Jones’ Newsletter
Week of April 2, 2018

***In Math, we will continue Topic 9, Composing and Decomposing Numbers to 10.  We will learn different ways to make 4-10.  We will learn to write number sentences to show these different ways.  Our new math words include: whole, part, graph.  We will continue to review: counting to 100, writing numbers to 20, 10 frames, next number, number identification, and addition and subtraction stories.

  ***In Reading, our new story is Trucks Roll! and it is a rhyming nonfiction story.  Our amazing words are: trailers, cabs, haul, steering wheel, truckers, headlights.  Our essential question is “What kind of transportation help people do their jobs?”.  We will also review rhyme and poems.

   ***Science and Social Studies-  We are exploring states of matter (solid, liquid, gas) and what are examples of each.  We also read about and reviewed a money book to go over the different coins and their values.  We also identified a one-dollar bill.   

***Handwriting/Writing-  The more that we are responding to a prompt, the better our understanding is about why we write.  We have most recently looked at sequencing events and have been going back to reread the sentence to make sure that it makes sense to us.

***Important Reminders-  Please don’t forget to read nightly and fill out the AR log because you will be getting a new one for April.  Also, please continue to practice sight words to increase reading fluency.  If you need any more information about anything else, please feel free to contact us by note, email, or phone call.

***PTO BASKET AUCTION- Thank you so much for the donations for the SPA BASKET…it is looking fabulous!  We can’t thank you enough for your participation and we hope that you will come to the basket auction on April 14 to see our basket and the countless others.  Thanks again for all of the support!

***Important Dates:
Monday, April 2- There is school today
Tuesday, April 3- Make up Spring Pictures

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Hello Spartan Family,                     I loved speaking with all of you on the phone! I sent an email with everything we talked about ...