Thursday, January 4, 2018

week of January 8, 2018

Mrs. Borden and Mrs. Jones’ Newsletter
Week of January 8, 2018
***In Math, we will begin Topic 5, Numbers to 20.  Our topic essential question is: “How can numbers to 20 be counted, read, and written?”  Our new math words are: seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty.  We will also review ten frames.  When there is one counter in each section of the ten frame and the ten frame is filled, we know that there is ten without counting.  When we have more than one filled ten frame, we can count by tens.
***In Reading, our new story is: Farfallina and Marcel.  We will be talking about: how friendships change.  We will also be learning about the plot of the story.  Our amazing words are: goose, butterfly, gosling, reflection, caterpillar, cocoon.  We will also continue to talk about verbs, which are action words. 
  ***Science and Social Studies-  We will explore the January holiday of Martin Luther King Jr. Day as well as the topic of metamorphosis through our new Reading story. 
***Handwriting/Writing- We will review some of the lowercase letter formations, rhyming words, writing a sentence, and labels for words.  We will continue to stress writing words with lowercase letters and only use capitals to start a sentence or important words.

***Important Reminders- Please practice the sight words daily.  It will make reading so much easier for your child.  Please also read a book a night and log it for the January AR log.  Please continue to check your child’s folder each night and contact us with any questions or concerns.  Also, please continue to review: counting to 100, all letters and their sounds, rhyming words, first sounds of words, and writing numbers to 20.
***Important Dates:
Wednesday, January 10- 2 Hour Data Delay
Friday, January 12- Brain Show Mania (6pm)
Monday, January 15- Teacher Inservice Day (No School for Students)

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Hello Spartan Family,                     I loved speaking with all of you on the phone! I sent an email with everything we talked about ...