Monday, November 13, 2017

week of November 13, 2017

Mrs. Borden and Mrs. Jones’ Newsletter
Week of November 13, 2017

***In Math, we are continuing Topic 2, Comparing and Ordering 0 to 5.  Our essential question is: How can numbers from 0 to 5 be compared and ordered?  Our new math words include: more, fewer, same as, order, first, second, third, fourth, fifth.  Please continue to practice number writing and counting to 100.  We also review the concepts of: time, money, calendar concepts, and weather in Math Meeting.
***In Reading, our new story is: A Bed for The Winter and we will sequence within the story as well as describing things. Our new amazing word are: nest, stump, hive, meadow, tree trunk, and den.  We will compare and contrast this story to our last story because they both have to do with animals hibernating.  We will also continue to make first sounds in words, rhyme words, and segment the sounds in words.
***Science and Social Studies- We will work on the Weather and Seasons in Science.  We will be looking at what weather usually happens in each season and observe the weather that is happening right now.
 ***Handwriting/Writing- We are so excited to be able to dive right into our lowercase letters and have completed a few this week.  We will continue to reinforce holding your pencil the correct way and to start the letters at the top.  Also, we have been coloring each morning because that is a great way to increase hand strength for better handwriting.  That is something that can be practiced at home as well.
***A few reminders:
- We do go outside for recess.  Please dress appropriately with hats and gloves and a warm coat.  Please label all of the clothing because it is easy to get them mixed up if the children drop something.
- Please refer to the school calendar to keep you informed of upcoming events and information.

***Important Dates:
Monday, November 13- Day 3
Friday, November 17- Day 7- Dress Down Day, Community Involvement Movie Night

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Hello Spartan Family,                     I loved speaking with all of you on the phone! I sent an email with everything we talked about ...