Friday, March 18, 2016

week of March 21, 2016

Week of March 21, 2016

Math- After our Topic 10 review and assessment, we will begin Decomposing Numbers 11-19.  We will learn to break the numbers 11 to 19 into parts made up of tens and ones and some further ones.  We will also write number sentences to show how we broke the numbers into parts.  Our new math words include: double ten frame and set. 

Science- Our last science Chapter is Plants and Animals and it will include the essential question of: How do plants and animals grow and change during their lives.  We will see how people grow and change too.  We will learn about how some plants and animals live on land and some that live in water.  Our vocabulary will include:  babies, parents, puppy, seed, tadpole.

Reading- We will be reading: Max Takes the Train.  We will be comparing the realism and fantasy in the story.  Our amazing words are: plane, subway, ferryboat, jetway, tunnel, sidecar.  We will be listening to a poem and identifying rhyme.

Phonics/Grammar- Our new letters are Jj and Ww like in Jet and Water.  We will be identifying them in initially in words.  We are speaking using the pronouns I and me. 
Handwriting/Writing- We are now through all of the capital and lowercase letters.  We are now working on various language arts activities.  They will include such topics as: poems, greetings, sentences, missing letters, and printing letters in a word.

Important Information
On April 16 and April 17, the NSE PTO will be hosting a Chinese Auction at the Elementary school for a fundraiser.  Please send in any donations for our basket as soon as possible.  Thanks for your participation.

Please continue to practice the sight words and letters and sounds along with numbers and counting.  A quick review makes a big difference!

Important Dates
March 20-   1st day of Spring
March 21- Day 6
March 25-   No School

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Hello Spartan Family,                     I loved speaking with all of you on the phone! I sent an email with everything we talked about ...