Thursday, February 11, 2016

week of February 15, 2016

Week of February 15, 2016

Math- Our essential question for Topic 8 is “What types of situations involve subtraction?”  We will: act out number stories that involve separating 2 groups, act out subtraction problems and record the answer, use the equal sign, subtract, and write the difference, determine how many are left when some objects are taken away, write and solve subtraction sentences to show take away situations, compare 2 groups to find out how many more are fewer, use the minus sign to represent take away situation, and solve problems by choosing addition or subtraction.

Science- Our new chapter is Chapter 8, Motion and we will: learn what makes objects move and how they move.  We will also learn about magnets. We will also review how to describe an object’s position. Our new vocabulary includes: position, above, below, push, pull, fast, slow, magnet, attract.
Reading- We will be reading: My Lucky Day.  We will be comparing/contrasting  in the story.  Our amazing words are: piglet, lucky, cook, fox, filthy, scrubber.  We will be discussing cause and effect as well.

Phonics/Grammar- Our new letter is Ll like in Lemon.  We will be identifying initial and final Ll in words.  We are finding the action parts of the sentence after finding the naming parts this past week.  We will also be looking at poems and rhyming patterns.

Important Information
Please continue to practice all letters, sounds, sight words, counting, and numbers.  We appreciate all of the hard work!

Important Dates
February 12- No School for Students
February 15- No School for Students or Teachers
February 16- Day 3

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Hello Spartan Family,                     I loved speaking with all of you on the phone! I sent an email with everything we talked about ...