Sunday, January 10, 2016

week of January 11, 2016

Week of January 11, 2015

Math- Our new topic is Topic 6, “What numbers to 100 be counted using a chart” and we will be working on: counting 30 objects, counting groups of 10 and writing how many, solving problems by looking for a pattern on a hundreds chart, counting and writing numbers on the hundreds chart, and recognizing patterns on the 100 chart when counting by 10s and 2s.  We will be gearing up for our 100th day of school celebration that is right around the corner!

Science- We will be finishing our Objects Chapter and be taking the assessment next week.  We will be moving on to the next chapter, Matter and Mixtures.  We will be working on: knowing that solids, liquids, and gasses are different forms of matter.  We will also be looking at water as a solid, a liquid, and/or gas.  Finally, we will learn that people can put things together to make a mixture.

Reading- Our new story is Farfallina and Marcel.  We will be discussing plot in the story.  Our amazing words are: goose, caterpillar, reflection, gosling, butterfly, cocoon.  We will be looking for captions in stories.

Phonics/Grammar- We have started our consonant Ff  like in Fish and will be identifying it in the beginning of words.  We will be reviewing verbs for now and in the future.  We have been busy acting out different verbs in the classroom.

Writing- Our lowercase letters for next week will include: w, t, o, and a review of c, o, s, and v. We also have been reviewing the importance of a capital letter at the beginning of the sentence and for important names, but lowercase letters otherwise.  We have also been talking about ending a sentence with a period, exclamation point, or a question mark if it is a question.

Important Information
**Fabulous Job!!!!  Your dinosaur presentations were amazing.  Everyone did a nice job presenting their information, asking questions, and answering questions.  We are very proud of you.

**Please continue to wear warm coats, gloves, and hats to school.  We try to go out to recess as much as possible.  Also, sometimes the room is chilly.  If you child would like to leave a sweater or collared zip up in their cubby to wear during the day, just make sure that it is labeled with their name.

**We also celebrated King Day on Friday, January 8.  The boys got to wear crowns and line up first and celebrate for the letter Kk.  The girls will be Queens when we get to Q.

Important Dates
January 11- Day 2

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Hello Spartan Family,                     I loved speaking with all of you on the phone! I sent an email with everything we talked about ...