Thursday, April 2, 2015

week of April 6, 2015

Mrs. Borden and Mrs. Jones’ Weekly Newsletter
Date: week of April 6, 2015

This week in class:

Math:  We are starting topic 11, decomposing numbers 11-19.  We will learn to break the numbers 11-19 into parts made of ten and some further ones.  We will continue to: count to 100, add and subtract, sort objects, and identify and describe shapes throughout the week.

Reading/Phonics:  Our new story is called: “Abuela” and the skill we will be focusing on is: setting and listening for poems.  We are also working on Ee in the beginning of words and in the middle of words. We will be talking about making a list, and pronouns of  I and me.  The amazing words are: abuela, flock, airport, adventure, city, harbor.

Science:  We will be finishing up Chapter 8 and reviewing the concepts of: above, pulled, pushed, fastest, slowest, and magnet attraction.  We will be taking the assessment after the review and starting another chapter the following week.


-Graduation Pictures will be Wednesday, April 8.  Please have your child wear a white collared shirt that day.  Girls, please no hair bows because the children will be wearing caps with the gowns.  There is no make-up picture day, and everyone will be photographed for the class composite.  Please fill out and return the envelope as soon as possible.

-If you received a purple Kindergarten physical form, please sign and return as soon as possible!

-When report cards are sent home, please sign and return the envelope and rubrics as soon as possible.  We thank you for your cooperation.

-When practicing the sight words, please make sure to use the sight word cards and mix them up to ensure they are not memorizing the list!

-Please continue to review all of the Dibels skills of: letter naming, first sounds, segmenting, and nonsense words.  The last test is at the end of April.

Important Dates:
*Monday is Day 2, please return library books
*Wednesday is Day 4, Please wear sneakers

*In April, the PTO will be holding a Basket Auction for a fundraiser.  We appreciate all of the donations.  Please look for our basket named “Car Care”.  It will be held April 11 and 12 here at NSE.  Please check out the Facebook page.

*PTO Meeting Monday, April 6, 6pm.

*No School on Friday, April 3, but we do have school Monday, April 6.

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Hello Spartan Family,                     I loved speaking with all of you on the phone! I sent an email with everything we talked about ...