Friday, September 28, 2012

Mrs. Borden & Mrs. Jones’ Nifty Newsletter (Week of October 1)

Our new letter in Phonics is Pp as in pig and pajama party! We will work on unblending consonant sounds, naming letters, their sounds and sight words. Our pajama party will be held the following week on Friday, October 12. More details will follow.

New decodable readers will come home in the plastic sleeve of your child’s folder each week. Please allow your child to read to you then sign each night Tuesday through Thursday. If your child brings it back on a Friday signed they will receive a reward. Also, continue to practice the sight words in the envelope. New words will be added each week.

In Math we will continue to work with AB patterns, act out story problems, identify ordinal positions, cover designs with pattern blocks and sequence daily events.

Our new Reading story is Dig Dig Digging. We will discuss how machines help people work together. We will practice the skill classify and categorize.

Thank you to everyone that sent in an apple for our Apple themed week. We sorted, graphed, tasted apples as well as made applesauce. It was delicious!! What a great way to celebrate Johnny Appleseed’s Birthday! Next we will begin a Fire Safety Unit. We will tour real fire trucks on Thursday morning and learn many important safety tips.

There will be a Fall Festival meeting on Thursday, October 4 at 6:00 in the pavilion behind the Elementary school.

If you did not send your Fall Festival money in yet please send in $3 as soon as possible. The Fall Festival will he held on Thursday October 11th.

As the weather starts to get cooler please send your child to school with a coat.  We go outside for recess everyday (unless it’s raining) and some students have been complaining that they are cold on cooler days.  Also, please write your child’s name in their coat.  Many Kindergarten students are having a hard time keeping track of their coats.

The School Store opened this week.  Kindergarteners may only shop on Mondays.  Students do NOT come to the classroom before shopping so it’s important that you explain to your child where their money is and that they need to stop before coming to our room. 

There are still a few students who do not know their 4 digit ID number.  It is very hard to go through the lunch line, log on the computers, and check books out of the Library when they don’t know their numbers.    

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month and in an effort to promote awareness students are invited to wear pink every Thursday during the month of October. Students may wear Spartan t-shirts, even though it is not a gym day, as long as it is pink.

There is no school Monday, October 8th.

Monday is Day 5. We will have computers. Don’t forget library books for Wednesday and sneakers for Gym and Friday.

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Hello Spartan Family,                     I loved speaking with all of you on the phone! I sent an email with everything we talked about ...