Monday, November 7, 2011

Week of November 7

Mrs. Borden & Mrs. Jones Nifty Newsletter (Week of November 7)

Monday – Thursday --Practice sight words and Reader (from plastic sleeve in folder) and ½ sheet.
Please return your child’s report card in their folder after you sign it. Thank you!
Study Folders were sent home. After looking at your report card, use the materials to work on the skills that need strengthening or to work ahead at your own pace.
Don’t forget to turn your clocks back this weekend. Please remember that as per the dress code shorts are no longer permitted.
In phonics we’ll be learning about the letter Mm. We will be working on listening for and identifying the initial and final sounds in words. Also we will play a game to rhyme words. We will unblend words and count the sounds. Lastly, we will begin a new take home story. It is called Hop on the Mop. Look for it next week for homework practice.
Our new Reading story is A Bed for the Winter. We will discuss hibernation and animal homes for the winter. We will also talk about the sequence of the story.
In Math we will begin to identify time to the hour, identify ordinal position, identify before, after and between, order money amounts to ten cents and solve problems by acting out it out and drawing a picture.
Monday is Day 4. Don’t forget your sneakers for Gym!
There is no school Friday, November 11 due to an Act 80 day.

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Hello Spartan Family,                     I loved speaking with all of you on the phone! I sent an email with everything we talked about ...