Saturday, September 10, 2011

Week of September 12

Mrs. Borden & Mrs. Jones’ Nifty Newsletter (week of September 12)
Monday- ½ sheet (sentence) and decodable reader
Tuesday- ½ sheet (colors) and decodable reader
Wednesday- ½ sheet (counting & shapes) and decodable reader
Thursday- ½ sheet (capital letters) and decodable reader

*Due to the cancellation of school this past week, the Luau has been moved to Friday, September 16. Please dress in your Luau outfit that day.*

Please continue to help your child practice their 4-digit computer number. This will help them log into their computer quickly and give them more time to work. They also need this number for lunch.

Decodable readers will begin to come home next week. They should be kept in the plastic sleeve inside your child’s folder. The reader should be read nightly and someone should sign off on the paper attached. This could be a parent, grandparent, older brother or sister or friend. When it comes home on a Friday the book is yours to keep. We will also practice during small group time in school. Students with all four signatures will receive a small treat on Fridays.

The following sight words were introduced so far: the, is , I, am, have and love. These will also be placed in the plastic sleeve for practice.

In Reading, we will read one of Mrs. Borden and Mrs. Jones favorite stories, Plaidypus Lost. We will talk about how we live, work and play together. Our reading skill will be sequence.

~In Math we will continue to work with counting bears, pattern blocks, and linking cubes. We will also practice counting to 5 with 1:1 correspondence, creating an AB color pattern, identifying most and fewest on a graph, and using positional words and phrases: over, under, on top of, behind, in back of, in front of, beside, inside, and outside. Students should practice writing the numbers from 0-9 while singing the number writing verses on their practice pages. Our first math assessment will be identifying the 4 basic shapes; circle, square, triangle, and rectangle. Take some time over the weekend to review them at home.

~Our Phonics letter for this week is “Oo” as in octopus. The letter Oo is a vowel and has 2 sounds. We will focus on the short sound, but will also introduce the long sound that “says its own name”.

~Our Kindergarten class has begun a science unit called Trees. We will observe and compare the trees in and around the schoolyard. We will adopt a tree as our “class tree” to watch throughout the seasons. We’ve been learning about the tree parts; roots, trunk, branches, and leaves. **Your child may come home with lots of information and questions about trees and their parts. You can join in the tree study by taking your child for walks in your neighborhood to observe trees and to compare how they are alike and how they are different. See which trees lose their leaves in the fall and which keep them all year? Look closely at the leaves. Do the trees have buds, flowers, fruit, or seeds? You might notice things about trees that you never thought about before!!!

~This week our class met their 4th grade Reading Buddies from Mrs. Fey’s homeroom! Boys and girls were matched up with 4th graders to listen to stories and eventually practice their own reading skills. Be sure to ask your child about his/her buddy.

~The School-wide Book Fair will also take place in the Large Group Instruction Room next week, September 12-16. Information was enclosed in your child’s folder. **Parents will be able to shop and/or browse with their child on Monday night from 4-7 p.m. if interested. Kindergarten will be shopping in school on Tuesday, September 13th. (Monday, September 19th will be a make-up day as needed.)

Don’t forget to check our blog on under Homework Helpline, click on Borden, Jessica.

The PTO meeting is scheduled for Monday evening at 6:30.

Monday is Day 4. We will have Gym. Don’t forget your sneakers!!!

Have a great weekend!

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Hello Spartan Family,                     I loved speaking with all of you on the phone! I sent an email with everything we talked about ...