Sunday, September 19, 2010

week of September 20

Mrs. Borden and Mrs. Jones’ Nifty Newsletter (week of September 20)

Monday night: ½ sheet practice and one apple
Tuesday night: ½ sheet practice and Gg Show and Tell
Wednesday night: ½ sheet practice and Gg Handwriting
Thursday night: ½ sheet practice

All About Me Tees are looking wonderful; thanks for your participation. We will take turns sharing them in class and have them on display in the room. We will return them at the end of the project.

Work completed in class might not always have a mark on it. The phonics (letter worksheets) and the math are completed together as a group. However, worksheets that are used for morning work are completed independently or with a buddy and are sent home. The reading packets that will come home on a Friday have been worked on by your child during transition times. We will review the packets and your child can work on it during the day or use it as review when it comes home. Show and tell is shared as a class but might not have a sticker or mark on it; however all written homework is checked for completion.

Academics this week include: Saxon Math, we will be working on numbers 1-5 and working with the manipulatives and materials that we will be using throughout the course of the year. Saxon Phonics, we will continue to work on the letter Gg so that we can write it, make its sound, identify it, and identify words that begin with the letter. Last week, we learned the letter Oo and placed a breve on top of the letter to code it. We use a breve to code a short vowel in words to remind us that it makes the short vowel sound when we are reading the word. The coding looks like this:
Our new reading story is called Fix-it Duck. A weekly overview of the reading story and important concepts will come home at the beginning of each week to keep you informed on what your child is learning in class.

Anyone interested in helping with the Kindergarten Fall Festival is invited to a meeting in the NSE cafeteria at 2:00 on Monday September 20th. The Fall Festival will be held on Thursday October 14th (rain date will be October 15th.) The meeting MAY run until the end of the school day. Helpers must have their clearances to participate.

This week we are celebrating Johnny Appleseed Day with books, activities, and crafts. We are asking that you please send in one apple with your child this week, as soon as possible. It can be any size and any color. We will use it at the end of the week for making applesauce, but we will use them all week to graph, compare and contrast, and discuss what apples are used for.

Please don’t forget to label coats and other accessories. Since the mornings are chillier and it is warm by recess, many children take off their coats outside but forget to take them inside. We do go room to room to see who will claim the coat, but it would be easier for your child if it is labeled.

If for some reason your child brings home dirty clothes and has to use their spare pair, please send the extras back in as soon as possible. Thank you!
Mrs. Borden and Mrs. Jones would like to send a big “Thank You” and “Great Job” to all of the parents and families of our students. Reason one being that all of the homework has come back completed and on time as well as all of the forms that were needed by the office. Also, all of the money for lunch, book order, etc. has been labeled correctly as well as their snacks! It makes things so much easier especially when there are several things going on at once. And last but not least, the class is doing such a wonderful job following the rules, walking in a nice line, completing their work, and being all around good students, they have earned extra treats including some extra recess time!

We thank you for your continued involvement and participation in your child’s Kindergarten year. Please write a note or send an email if you have any questions or need any additional information. Thank you!

Hello Spartan Family,                     I loved speaking with all of you on the phone! I sent an email with everything we talked about ...