Monday, September 10, 2012

week of September 10

Mrs. Borden and Mrs. Jones’ Nifty Newsletter (week of September 10)

Homework:  please complete ½ sheet nightly

 If you would like to send in an old T-shirt that your child can keep in his/her cubby for the year, please do so next week.  It would be helpful to have this old shirt to put over the nice school clothes when we do messy projects throughout the year.  Thank you!

In addition to the old T-shirt, if you didn’t yet send in a spare set of dress code clothing for your child to keep in the cubbies, please do so.  They will all be sent home at the end of year, but it is handy to keep a spare set in case of an accident, spilled food or drink, or mud from outside.  This would save parents a trip to the school to bring in clothes if any of that would happen.

In Saxon Phonics, we are working on the letter Gg like in Goat.  We have already learned the letter Ll and the letter Oo and now we can put all of the sounds together to make our first word, log.  We will also be coding short vowels in words.  The rule in class is, “if a vowel is followed by a consonant, then the vowel is short and we code it with a breve”. 

In Saxon Math, we are working on sorting by color and shape.  We are also working on counting to 5 and one to one correspondence to 5.  We are also working with pattern blocks, tedding bear counters, and linking cubes and reviewing an AB pattern.  We also do Math Meeting every day and review months, days, the date, and how many days we have been in school.

In Reading, our new story is “Plaidypus Lost”.  We will be talking about sequence of story events as well as characters and setting.  We will continue to review retelling the story along with author and illustrator.

Please don’t forget to label coats, bookbags, lunchbags, and other accessories.  If the mornings are a bit chillier and it might get warm by recess, many children take off their coats outside but forget to take them inside.  This would ensure that your child would get his/her coat back in the event that it is left outside. 

There has been a change made with regard to the book fair schedule. Instead of the book fair taking place throughout the entire week of September 10th-14th, students will have a preview on Monday, September 10th. The preview for each homeroom class is five minutes long in order to accommodate everyone in one day. They obviously will not be able to purchase books during the preview, but will have the opportunity to purchase them at the evening sale which will run from 4:00-7:00 P.M. that same evening.

Please see attached note for information regarding the Kindergarten Fall Festival.

On Monday, there will be chicken patty not chicken rings for lunch.

A great big cheer goes out to Ms. Shearn, our occupational therapist, who came to present all about her job for the letter Oo.  She not only had lots of fun activities, but helped us make a wonderful bulletin board that is on display outside of our classroom.  Ms. Shearn did an Outstanding job!

Mrs. Borden and Mrs. Jones would like to send a big Thank You and Great Job to all of the parents and families of our students.  The forms that were sent home have  been completed on time, homework has been completed and signed, and the envelopes with money have been labeled correctly.  The class is doing a great job following rules, walking quietly in a line,  completing their work, and being great citizens.  We thank you for your continued involvement and participation in your child’s Kindergarten year.  Please write a note or send an email if you have any questions or need any additional information.  Thank you so much!


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Hello Spartan Family,                     I loved speaking with all of you on the phone! I sent an email with everything we talked about ...