Friday, September 23, 2011

Week of September 26

Mrs. Borden & Mrs. Jones’ Nifty Newsletter (Week of September 26)

Monday-1/2 sheet & Reader/sight words
Tuesday –1/2 sheet & Reader/sight words
Wednesday-1/2sheet, Reader& Handwriting
Thursday-1/2 sheet & Reader/sight words

We will celebrate learning the letter H with a Hat Day on Friday, September 30!

There will be a Fall Festival Meeting on Wednesday, September 28 at 6:00 at the Mine Shaft for anyone who would like to help with our Fall Festival. Clearances are needed to participate in school on the day of the festival. If you do not have clearances but would still like to help in the preparation it would be much appreciated.
Our Phonics letter next week is the consonant H as in hat and hippo. We will apply our first phonics rule that we began this week and begin to sound out words.
Rule: If a vowel is followed by a consonant, the vowel is short, and we code it with a breve.
Example: cat log sit tug wet
We will also identify initial sounds and separate words into compound words.
This week our Reading story is “Julius” and we will be discussing how people and animals work together. The Comprehension Skill is character.

**Great job to everyone who did their reading this week. We really saw the progress when we were working in small groups this week. We are going to attach an envelope to everyone’s folder. In the envelope we will store the reader for the week along with our sight words. This way nothing will get lost going back and forth. Please continue to sign and comment each night.**

In Math, we will act out story problems, identify describe and compare circles and rectangles, and order numbers 1-5.

Next week we are celebrating Johnny Appleseed Day with books, activities, and crafts. We are asking that you please send in one apple with your child as soon as possible. It can be any size and any color. We will use the apples to investigate, sort, graph, compare and contrast, and to make applesauce.

We attended the Homecoming Pep Rally in our Gym this Friday! Go Spartans!
As the weather starts to get cooler, we ask that you write your child’s name in their coat. Many Kindergarten students have the same coat and are having a hard time to keeping track of their own.

Please continue to help your child practice their 4 digit computer number. This will help them log into their computer quickly and give them more time to work.

Don’t forget to check our blog on under Homework Helpline, click on Borden, J.
Monday will be Day 4. Our special will be Gym. Don’t forget your sneakers.

School store began this week. If students want to purchase anything from the school store they need to do so before entering our classroom in the morning. By the time we get the money from their folders, the school store is closed. Please remind your child in the morning before sending them to school.

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Hello Spartan Family,                     I loved speaking with all of you on the phone! I sent an email with everything we talked about ...