Sunday, January 2, 2011

week of January 3

Mrs. Borden and Mrs. Jones’ Nifty Newsletter (Week of January 3)
Homework This Week:
Monday: Review word List 7 and ½ sheet
Tuesday: Show and Tell and ½ sheet
Wednesday: Review sight words and ½ sheet
Thursday: Review word list 7 and ½ sheet
Welcome Back! We hope that everyone had an enjoyable break and is ready to be back in learning mode! Monday is Day 2. Please don’t forget your library book on Tuesday. Our Gym day is Day 1 on Thursday.

Our new letter this week is: Kk like in “Kite”. We will also be talking about the “k, c rule” so that we know when to use a K or when to use a C when spelling words. Show and Tell will be on Wednesday. We will also be celebrating this letter by having the boys be “King for a Day”. (The girls will be queens when we learn the letter “Qq” later on in the year.)

“Little Panda” is our new Reading story. This is a nonfiction story and we will be working on the skill of compare and contrast. The skills of character, setting, main idea, sequence, and retelling will all be reviewed.

Though the break might have flown by, this week we will be getting right back into the routine with a full week. Please review the word lists and sight words and letters and their sounds in Phonics. In Math, we will review counting to 100, counting by 10’s, time to the hour, penny, and talk about the New Year on the calendar. We will also be working on a new book to read at home in small groups this week. This book will not come home until next week, but please feel free to read whenever you can at home.

We are excited to be back for the second half of the school year and can’t wait to learn so much more! Keep up the good work with the homework, practicing, and all of the participation. Give yourselves a cheer!!

Hello Spartan Family,                     I loved speaking with all of you on the phone! I sent an email with everything we talked about ...