Friday, October 29, 2010

week of November 1, 2010

Mrs. Borden and Mrs. Jones’ Nifty Newsletter (week of Nov. 1)
Monday: ½ sheet
Tuesday: ½ sheet and Show and Tell
Wednesday: ½ sheet and Handwriting
Thursday: ½ sheet and decorate your self-portrait
Each night: Please review sight words list and the reader and sign the reader sheet. Please place both the sight words and the reader back into the clear sheet protector. Thanks!
Just a reminder that candy is not a great idea for a snack. We are aware that there might be an abundance of candy at home due to Halloween and other festivities, but we ask that you keep it at home. Thank you very much!
Our reading story next week is Life in an Ocean and it is a nonfiction book and we are learning about ocean environments. We will also be comparing and contrasting different environments.
Our Phonics letter is Nn like in Nest. Please practice your sight word lists and continue to review the readers that have been sent home to keep from previous weeks. You can practice reading the sight words or finding letters that your child may know.
In Math, we will be working on numbers to 10 by identifying them, writing them, counting, and putting them in order. We will also continue to review patterns and sorting.
On Tuesday, November 2, there will be Parent/Teacher conferences for grades K-3. We will be having our informational sessions at 4pm and 5pm. If you do not remember what time you have signed up for, please let us know. If you did not send back the conference papers, please do so to let us know what your preference is for a conference. We will see you then!
Congratulations to our Kindergarten class! We have had many accomplishments this past week! This includes our “Citizen of the Month” in the school newsletter, the red ribbon winners, the winner and participants of “Kindergarten Fear Factor” with the Five Senses activities.
Next week: Tuesday, November 2… Library class, Parent conferences, Election Day
Wednesday, November 3… Gym class and the 2nd marking period starts
Thanks again and have a great week, Give yourselves a cheer!

Hello Spartan Family,                     I loved speaking with all of you on the phone! I sent an email with everything we talked about ...